Monday, May 22, 2006

NewsCasta home page

The home page for NewsCasta is now in place. This is, and will be in the future, the home page to access the service once launched. So please bookmark.

Friday, May 19, 2006

What is

NewsCasta will be a service on the web to automatically read your news feeds into the right format for your favourite mp3 player. It will use Text To Speech (TTS) technologies to automatically convert RSS feeds into MP3s and make them available as podcasts.
It does this by reading RSS, passing the text through a text-to-speech engine to create MP3s that are then made available in another RSS feed in podcast format.

Imagine picking your ipod up in the morning before that trudge to work on public transport and finding the latest podcasts of news articles from your favourite web news sources.

You'll be able to share your podcasts or keep them private. This means you could publicise your blog in an audio format as well as the printed word. You'll be able to put a link on your website that takes your users to the latest podcasts from your site.

A beta should be available in a couple of weeks.